Dress for Success: My Guide on What to Wear on a Hiking Date

If hiking is in your system and you simply cannot do without it, you should definitely try a hiking date.

It is a great idea to show your potential love partner what you are passionate about right away and see if he or she will be able to fit into your lifestyle.

Why? Well, if you are constantly on the go you do not want to end up with a couch potato.

Besides, isn’t it romantic to spend a day in nature and end it with a kiss, with a colorful sunset behind you? A movie-like scene, don’t you agree?

Alas! Nothing comes easy in life, and be you a boy or a girl it will not be easy to dress sexy if your date is taking place on a muddy trail in a humid forest, or a windy mountain, or..well to be honest, almost anywhere people hike these days.


The conditions are sure to be far from ideal, but this does not mean that there is no solution.

Read this guide, and you will find out what to wear on a hiking date to both impress your date and stay dressed for the occasion.

Setting the Scene

Before I go on to answering the main question, I want to make some things completely clear.

Namely, there is little you can do to control the wild nature, and if you choose the outdoors to be the setting for your date you must be prepared for anything, and I mean ANYTHING!

From a sudden storm to a swarm of bees, or even a smelly skunk attack – everything can happen, that is the beauty of it in the first place.

However, when you are sharing your hiking experience with someone you want to impress you should at least give your best to plan everything and anticipate as many potential problems as you possibly can.

I am here to help you with that, so be sure to read the following tips:

1. Plan just a few days

Hiking with Girlfriend

You might ask yourself is not it better to plan much earlier and have enough time to do it, and I say NO!


Well, the main reason is the weather, and being an experienced hiker yourself, you certainly know what we are talking about.

Weather conditions will have the greatest influence on the success of your date. You do not want to end up screaming at your date to overhaul a strong wind, or soaking wet and cold while you run away from a downpour.

Ok, the second option might be interesting if you end up warming each other in a secluded cabin you stumble upon, but what are the chances for that scenario?

In short, be sure that the forecast is in your favor, and the only way to be 100% sure is to keep the time frame short.

This means that ideally, you should plan your hiking adventure maximum two days ahead.

2. Shorten things up

Maybe you have a dirty mind and think that I am talking about your clothes, but no - long pants are a must! We still haven’t reached the fashion section; I am referring to your route.

Namely, no matter how experienced you are at hiking, this is not the time to be a show-off. Maybe your date for that day is not as near as good as you, but it does not even matter.

What matters is that the point of the date is not to climb the highest mountain, or cross fifteen kilometers in less than five hours - no, the point is to spend quality time with a person you like and get to know that person better.

This is why you should keep the trail short! Finally, you want to be able to have some time to sit down and... well, whatever you intend to do on that date.

3. Inform your date partner well

Hiking dates should never be surprise dates, or you might end up with a girl in high heels desperately trying not to fall over.

Your date should know everything about your plans, and you should also offer some advice if he or she is not experienced at hiking. ( You can refer him or her to read this article for example! )

4. Pack the right equipment

prepare equipment

I wholeheartedly recommend the following items:

  • Some light snacks and drinks - it would be best to pack a thermos to keep the drinks hot or cold, and some small chocolate with almonds or hazelnuts that will provide a bit of energy but also spice-up the romantic atmosphere.
  • Sleeping pad - I am not implying anything, I merely think that you will need to sit down at one point for whatever reasons, and I want you and your date to be comfortable.
  • Bug repellant - you do not want to spend your date waving off mosquitoes, so I recommend an all-natural repelling spray that will keep the bugs at bay.
  • Tissues - maybe your date gets too emotional, and it is always a grand gesture to offer a tissue at such moments. Tissues are always handy and multi-practical though.
  • First aid kit - you want to be able to help if your date gets hurt, even if it is just a thorn-in-the-finger kind of emergency.
  • Boot knife - it is better to be safe than sorry! Make sure your date does not see it though, you do not want to scare him or her to death!

In essence, although there are slight chances that you will be able to line the trail with romantic scented candles and rose petals, you should put an effort to choose an idyllic scenery - it should not be too tricky, nature is quite inspirational in that sense.

Just make sure to pick a trail with low traffic as well since you need time alone, that is the whole point of dates, isn't it?

What to Wear on a Hike and Still Look Cute

Cute Hiking Outfits

Finally, we have come to the main topic - what to wear on a hiking date girl to avoid looking like an Australian shepherd and succeed winning over the affection of your date partner.

First of all, if you have followed all the advice I gave you so far, you will choose a sunny, but not too hot day and a trail that will not make you break in sweat and start oozing inappropriate odors.

This means that your wardrobe should be light, not too tight but also not too loose - you want those abs you earned hiking to show a bit.

Let's begin from the top and work our way down:

  • You should always have a hat or a cap, even if you do not look good in it and do not plan to wear it, just in case there is too much sun and it starts to bother you or your partner. You can choose an interesting one such as a cowboy hat and use it to joke around- it might end up being a good ice-breaker. Sunglasses are also handy.
  • Your T-shirt should be tight fitting, not too much though, and made of materials that will not make you sweat. Color is a thing of your personal preference, but I recommend that you avoid too bright ones as they attract insects.
  • Bringing a light-weight windproof jacket which packs small is a good idea too. You can put it in your backpack and take it out when needed. Everyone likes to have a person that plans well and thinks ahead- so you might win some points there.
  • fire
    As I’ve already mentioned, you should definitely choose long pants. I recommend avoiding jeans as they can limit your movement, but girls should also avoid leggings as they reveal too much at once - especially if you are on a first date. In case you are wondering why to avoid short pants or shorts, it is because you want to avoid the hazards of allergenic plants such as poison ivy or nettle and having to scratch all day long - that would not be attractive to look at. You will be safer from dangerous thicks as well.
  • fire
    You might be tempted to wear some sexy underwear, but you should better stick to your regular one. You do not want to feel any discomfort, and anyhow chances that this kind of date will end up in anything that requires your underwear to be seen are quite low, almost nonexistent.
  • fire
    Versatile hiking boots or shoes are always the best choice; there are good reasons people make specialized footwear for hiking. You will be stable and able to handle all kinds of trails be they wet and muddy or dusty. A cushy insole is a preference as well; you do not want to develop blisters half-way along the path - there is nothing romantic about it.

EXTRA TIP: Bring some spare clothes!


Hoping that you have carefully read my advice, I leave you to choose what to wear on a hiking date and plan it to the smallest detail.

I am sure that person you invite to this kind of date is sure to appreciate the romantic adventure, especially in comparison to plain old going out on a dinner.

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